


It doesn't have to be about grades. Schedules and assessments, or rules. Life doesn't have to center around school.


In fact, it shouldn't.

 We weren't meant to be feel so anxious and controlled.

Children need someone to hold their hand while they jump
from boulder to boulder in the woods.

Someone to cook with them, read with them, and snuggle them.

Someone to pull up YouTube videos about Greek mythology
or take them to the library to read books about axolotls.

The best place for your kids to learn is with you.

aN advocate

Children are born already wired to learn.

The world around them can be their teacher.

So what do they need you to be?

...unschooling is for you.

Feel parenthood and childhood shouldn't be about surviving, but about thriving- together, and as part of a community.

Want a life for your family outside of traditional school, one with flexibility and freedom, where your kids are free to be authentically themselves and you're not centered around a rigid schedule and unrealistic standards and timelines

Dread the idea of dropping your child off every day after the morning rush, only to pick them up 6 hours later and try to connect for a couple brief hours before bed between soccer practice and dinner. 

If You...

Everyone you know is sending their kids off to school this time of year
and this is what we hear...

"My heart aches".
"Hopefully they'll be fine when I pick them up".
"My heart broke when she started crying".
"I just feel sick to my stomach".
"It feels like my heart is ripped out of me as I drop him off".

This truly should not be our normal.

And maybe you see other homeschooling parents ordering tons of homeschool curriculum packs, setting up  schedules and prepping lesson plans with loads of worksheets and simply replicating school at home.

Time with our children is a precious resource.
Let's rethink what we're doing with it.

But none of this feels right in your bones.

If you could just keep your littles at home with you, you could:

Maintain a strong attachment with them throughout childhood and their vulnerable teen years

Avoid the dreaded homework battles, time-sucking school commutes, and grade-induced anxiety

Raise regulated, emotionally healthy humans who are confident in their abilities to advocate and make decisions for themselves

yes i'm in

Your kids are born with natural curiosity.

Think about all the questions they ask in a typical day.

Now, imagine that instead of mumbling an answer as you rush them out the door, you could explore answers with your child …
following their lead.

If you can parent, you can unschool.


Co-creating an engaging atmosphere with endless room for exploration and play.

Taking responsibility for your own mental and emotional health, and inner work.

Unpacking and reframing your beliefs about childhood, school, and learning.


Play IS learning.

Play is not a break from learning


In this group coaching program, I don’t teach you how to set up
the perfect reading activity or a cool new math game.

Instead, I teach you how to recognize when your child is learning …
and either get out of the way or engage with them naturally. 

Take it from someone who worked on her master’s degree (ugh, don’t remind me) in Education and chose as her final thesis, Learning Through Play.

Even the “experts” understand that play is crucial to development.
But they get the central concept wrong …
play isn’t meant to be manipulated.

In this monthly membership,
 you'll receive on-going unschooling guidance with a built-in community. 



join now

Parents who are ready to unschool, but are worried they're not qualified or not patient enough

Parents who want to spend their days alongside their kids instead of sending them off for 30+ hours a week for the next several years

Anyone whose kids would thrive being outside more, being around siblings more, and adventuring more

Those looking for a progressive community of parents who prioritize diversity and inclusion

Those ready to step away from the rat race and join a strong village of mindful, socially conscious parents

Parents willing to do some unpacking, inner work and healing

Anyone who believes in freedom and rights for all, not just those with privilege

Anyone who believes children should have autonomy and freedom in their childhood

This membership is for:

How is
this program different?

Yes, I want in!

This is an insightful and relaxed-paced group. This monthly membership is a cost-effective way to be a part of a socially conscious and likeminded group at a much slower pace than my group coaching program. This is for those wanting an affordable option with ongoing support to build a long-term community and receive support over the course of months or even years since unschooling is a journey not a destination.

These trainings are not pre-recorded.  I deliver my trainings live which means I'm there with all the energy and providing uniquely tailored content to what my members need in the moment. (However, they will be recorded and put into the membership content library for those who cannot attend live because we're all busy parents).

This is a small, intimate group. I'm not in the business about boasting numbers. This is not a community of thousands of members where you would most likely get lost and overlooked. We build close relationships & you get more custom support. I don't have a massive team taking my place.

We share progressive and inclusive values. The homeschool community is dominated by the right wing, conservative Christian community with parents who often pull their kids from school to shelter them from sex ed, queer and trans supportive moments and accurate history. This is NOT this community. 

I bring neurodivergent and trauma-informed perspectives. My ADHD, childhood trauma, anxiety and more has provided me with deep and unique experiences that not all coaches and program leaders have. What works for the masses might not work for you and I feel that. My approach is diverse as it is relevant.

This is not overwhelming. I provide reasonable amounts of content and trainings for you to get the results you want without feeling constantly behind. I don't boast hundreds of bonuses and guides and all the things to entice you to join just to have you get bombarded and quit from overwhelm.

The Reverie Collective

enroll me now

I’m a creative, a travel enthusiast, and a passionate advocate for children.  A former teacher turned unschooling mom of 3 living out my dream life on Vancouver Island (and around the world) here to help you ditch the rat race and build a life you don't actually need a break from. 

I taught in public education for several years and have now been unschooling for a decade. For a reason.

Forcing kids. Cooping them up. Using rewards and punishments to get obedience. Controlling their every move. The rat race (starting in toddlerhood!). No thanks.

None of it sits right with me. And I know  so many feel the same, but have been convinced that this way of life is normal. That it's the only way. That they couldn't possibly continue to raise their kids at home as they get older. Or that school is the best place for them to grow up...?

When I started to slow down to pay attention to my kids, I started to notice they don’t need much to thrive.

Or at least, not what I had thought.

Mostly, they need us to be healthy and fulfilled. They need a home environment that is safe and full of love. They need space and the outdoors, lots of freedom to play and explore.

This is what I've been cultivating over the past decade. A stable home with unconditional love and an unhurried pace of life. One that allows all of us in it to be ourselves, to live mindfully and intentionally.

We don't operate within the rat race. We don't center our lives around school. In fact, it doesn't exist for us. We don't expect our kids to have meltdowns after coming home from school because they've been masking all day. We aren't all in survival mode, living from one morning rush to the next. 

Because what is the point of life if we're too stressed, busy and anxious to feel it?

The gift of  Unschooling


I'm Adrienne.

Meet me

I'm obsessed with getting every one to slow. right. down.

To give children their childhood back.

One full of dirt stained knees, puppet shows and wrestling with mom in the grass. 

Or with hands full of paint and their head in the clouds. 

Because that's just it. It's whatever they want their childhood to look like. They're as unique and diverse as the rest of humanity and their childhood should reflect that.

Children have a way of bringing us into the present, where we belong. They have a way of being fully aware of exactly who they are. And living life on their terms. And feeling wild and free.

All the things we talk about what we wish we have for ourselves as adults.

Well, I can show you just how to make this happen. Because I'm passionate about liberating us all (kids + adults alike) from what is keeping us from freedom, healing, peace of mind, and living in a way that is truly authentic to what we actually want out of life.

as you both 

learn & grow &. heal


Choose your (and your child's) 


You can wear linen dresses and churn your own butter.

You can have tattoos with a mouth like a sailor.

You can live on a sailboat or in a yurt.
You can spend your days however you want.

That's the point.

to be a fantastic unschooler,
you need to Give your child a childhood of love, respect, and self-led learning.
The rest is really up to you.

Parents all over the world are able to work and unschool. I currently work 8 different jobs. (This isn't a flex, by the way. It just means people do what need to when there's no alternative). It could mean you start working for yourself and quit your 9-5 (like I did!) to create side gigs and more flexible work options. It could mean you take a serious look at your finances and lifestyle and make some MAJOR changes. It could mean something drastic like moving, downsizing, selling your home and traveling in an RV, or living somewhere much cheaper.  It could mean creating a co-op with like-minded parents and trading off with them for work/childcare.  I'm not saying you'll have to do these things, and this journey certainly looks different for everyone, but I am saying there are parents all over the globe who live unconventional lifestyles and make immense sacrifices to build the life of their dreams for their family.
Lastly, most imagine homeschool as a hands-on 9am-3pm scenario and, therefore, they could never have this lifestyle if they need to earn an income. That is not what unschooling is and we'll cover all of that in this program.

Frequently Asked Questions...

I would like to unschool, but we can't survive on one income or i'm the sole income earner. Can i still unschool?

What if I can't make it live?

No worries! I will deliver the monthly training modules live and you'll have instant access to the recordings in the content library. I LOVE the energy of live modules, the connection and conversations. BUT we're all parents and everyone will have access to the content whether or not they can make it live. 

what if i have questions along the way?

You will absolutely have questions and I am thrilled to offer a 60-minute monthly live Q&A session alongside the trainings. Members will have the opportunity to submit questions ahead of time or in real time so I can answer those burning questions as they're coming up for you. 


I'm so glad you asked! If you check the link below, it'll lead you to where you get started on regulations for your area. Things change and I can't answer this for every place around the world, but you can start below. Also, the principles, insights and community I provide are helpful to everyone, regardless of your regulations. These are valuable mindsets, practices and work that everyone (including all children) would benefit from. 


L O C A L  L A W S  &  R E G U L A T I O N S

Is unschooling legal where I live?*

*Stay up to date:
Your local government is the authority on what kind of homeschooling, if any, is legal in your area. 
This information is intended to get you started on your own research.

YES, but...


Regulations by US STATE 

New Jersey

North Dakota
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Hampshire
New York
Rhode Island

Costa Rica

New Mexico
South Dakota

Low regulation

Moderate or High regulation

New Zealand

El Salvador
Dominican Republic


You're looking for a conservative, traditional homeschool community. We're all about unpacking privilege, prioritizing diversity and supporting marginalized communities.

You're looking for quick secrets that promise immediate life-changing results with no effort.

You're wanting to replicate school at home. I'm not here to give you the perfect curriculum, child management hacks or the ideal homeschool schedule. 


When you enroll in
The Reverie Collective,
you get...


live monthly trainings about all things unschooling

Access to the content library

monthly live 60 minute q&a sessions

membership in the REVERIE COLLECTIVE private Facebook community

quarterly mastermind speakers from unschooling and parenting experts

That's how i can help.

As a former teacher, turned unschooling mom of 3 living out our dream life on Vancouver Island with full ADHD, a toxic upbringing and tons of wild life experience, I'm a unique guide. We have been unschooling for the past decade and I know the worries, doubts and wishes so many parents have about their child's education and how they can achieve the kind of lifestyle that isn't conventional. You might need a listening ear, guidance from someone who understands, and questions answered.

You're stronger than you think you are.

A final note from me

You can absolutely do this. I believe in you. You can 100% do this on your own. I would never try to convince you that my program is necessary for anyone to have this life.

But if  you're looking for guidance to make your unschooling vision a reality and wanting an inspiring community alongside you, I've got you.

Adrienne xx


This could be you....

We are only at the beginning of our journey, but thanks to Adrienne, we’ve watched our daughter thrive in ways we never imagined—exploring their interests, asking big questions, and connecting with people and places in profound ways. The confidence and curiosity they’ve developed are a direct result of Adrienne’s compassionate and holistic approach. For any family, but especially for those of us living an unconventional life on the road, Adrienne is an extraordinary ally and guide. Her work is infused with a deep commitment to social justice and an unwavering belief in the potential of every child. I am endlessly grateful for the ways she has enriched our journey.

Adrienne, thank you for helping me become the unschooling teacher and parent I have always desired